Latest On The Mann House Project
Last year, we wrote about the Innovative Housing Inc plans to save the historic Mann House and adopt it for affordable housing.
The project has been moving forward. With support from the Laurelhurst neighborhood, the project was awarded crucial funding support from Portland's affordable housing bond. Now the project will go to the Historic Landmarks Commission for design review.
The full design review drawing set is here.
Innovative Housing proposes to add a new building on the northeast corner of the property (referred to in the plans as the "East Building").

Later, a new building is planned for the south end of the property ("South Building"). The drawing on the left is the current site plan, and the drawing on the right is the proposed plan.
Below is a drawing of the proposed East Building.

This is a "birds-eye view" of the site with the proposed East and South Buildings.

About 80 on-site parking spaces, multiple children's play areas, and lawn/garden space are proposed. Innovative Housing has stated that it intends to retain the existing mature trees that shade and shield the property, to the greatest possible extent.
Little by little, Anna Mann's legacy is being saved and adapted to meet the pressing needs of our time. Over 100 families and children will find a home in Laurelhurst's "Old Peoples Home", and a National Register Landmark building will be restored rather than demolished.