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    SHPO Objection Period Over; Historic District Has Overwhelming Support

    The SHPO objection period, which started in August 2018, ended in January 2019.

    During that six month period, SHPO received objections from 14 homeowners in the proposed Laurelhurst Historic District. That represents fewer than ten households; three objections were from non-resident owners. In total, about one-half of one percent (0.5%) of homeowners objected.

    You'll remember that in May 2017, 83% of responding Laurelhurst residents voted in favor of the historic district. Since then, SHPO and the City of Portland have sent notices to every household and held informational sessions in Laurelhurst; these were reported in the LNA newsletter and video posted online. The Portland Historic Landmarks Commissions (HLC) voted to support the nomination. The State Advisory Committee for Historic Preservation (SACHP) held a public hearing and voted unanimously to approve the nomination.


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