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    State Advisory Committee for Historic Preservation Approves Laurelhurst Nomination

    On Friday October 19, at a packed meeting in the Laurelhurst Club, the State Advisory Committee for Historic Preservation (SACHP) voted to approve Laurelhurst's Historic District Nomination.

    This important decision allows our nomination to proceed. The next step is in January, when the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) is expected to forward our nomination to the National Parks Service (NPS) for final action. SHPO will forward the nomination unless it has by then received objections from over 50% of property owners.

    More about the meeting. The SACHP is a committee of experts in Oregon's history, architecture, and historic preservation. They meet three times a year to review on buildings and districts that have been nominated for National Register designation. This was a two day working meeting for SACHP, during which they reviewed many buildings and two districts. On Thursday October 18, the committee and SHPO staff toured Laurelhurst, led by Kristen Minor of PMA. On Friday October 19, as the final item on the meeting agenda, SACHP reviewed Laurelhurst's nomination.

    Almost 100 Laurelhurst neighbors attended to support the nomination, and a dozen testified to the committee - more wanted to speak, but time was limited. Among the speakers were Scott Pratt, LNA President, and Dick Kuhns, past LNA President. One neighbor sent a letter that was read to the committee. Another neighbor testified via a 4 minute video.

    About eight opponents of the historic district attended and testified. As with the Historic Landmarks Commission hearing, most of the opposing testimony was by activists from outside Laurelhurst. Eric Fruits, a former LNA President, testified in opposition.

    The SACHP then discussed the nomination. The quality and thoroughness of the nomination was acknowledged. Laurelhurst's historical qualities are undeniable. LNA's consultant, Kristen Minor of Peter Meijer Architects, answered questions. The committee requested a modest revision to one section of the nomination, which PMA and SHPO will do. The lead reviewer made a motion to approve the Laurelhurst nomination, with that revision, for forwarding to the National Park Service. The motion was unanimously passed.

    Congratulations to PMA for their fine work, to the UO students and volunteers who helped with the nomination, to our neighbors who testified to SACHP, and to you, the Laurelhurst community, for supporting the historic district effort in word, deed, and donation. So, where are we on the path to Historic District? We took a very big step today. Laurelhurst is not a National Register historic district yet but we are getting closer. In particular, we need to talk to our neighbors who have questions or concerns, or our newly-arrived neighbors who haven't been following the historic district effort. Remember, if SHPO receives objections from over 50% of property owners, our nomination will not be forwarded to the NPS. So show your support for the historic district - request a lawn sign from


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