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    How To Support The Historic District

    To protect Laurelhurst, our neighborhood has to raise funds to make the Historic District a reality.

    The LNA and Historic Laurelhurst have worked together to make donating easy and convenient. Tax deductible donations should be made to the LNA, which is a 501c3 organization. All funds received will be held in a separate LNA bank account, dedicated specifically to the Historic District effort.

    How to Donate.

    If the pre-set donation amounts aren't right for you, please mix and match different donations in your cart. Your PayPal payment will go directly to the Historic District Fund bank account maintained by the LNA, and you'll receive a private thank you letter with the necessary tax deduction information.

    (If you're looking for a copy of the booklet "Laurelhurst And Its Park", they are also available at this website. Proceeds from the booklet do not go to the Historic District, but to LNA general funds.)

    2. Send or deliver your check to the LNA's Treasurer at this address:

    LNA Treasurer

    3734 NE Hassalo St

    Portland OR 97232

    Make the check payable to "Laurelhurst Neighborhood Association" and note that it is for the Historic District fund. Your check will be deposited directly to the Historic District Fund bank account maintained by the LNA, and you'll receive a private thank you letter with the necessary tax deduction information. Please let the treasurer know if you'd like to remain anonymous.

    3. Purchase "Laurelhurst" clothing through the online Booster Campaigns. Our first booster was a success, and our T-shirts and sweatshirts are arriving soon. By popular demand, we've launched two new booster campaigns.

    The "Original Arches Logo" booster campaign offers T-shirts with the original Laurelhurst arches and street logo. These shirts have not been available for decades; we've brought them back!

    We've also re-ordered supplies for the "Historic Laurelhurst Logo" booster campaign. This campaign offers mens' and ladies' T-shirts, long sleeve tees, and zip and pullover hoodies, with the Historic Laurelhurst logo on the front and the arches logo on the back.

    4. Buy tickets for the November 3 Fundraising Gala event at the Laurelhurst Club. Look for a post just on this event, coming soon.

    How Much To Donate

    If every household in Laurelhurst each donates $50, we'll have enough. If half of our households each donates $100, we'll have enough.

    If you can donate a larger amount, please consider it. This neighborhood, where we are raising our families amid the historic houses and urban tree canopy, needs and deserves the protection of a Historic District.

    When To Donate

    Please donate soon!

    If Laurelhurst is to become a Historic District in 2018, we need to raise funds now to start the consultant working as soon as possible in 2017.

    The LNA is in the process of hiring a consultant to perform the detailed and extensive work necessary to successfully nominate Laurelhurst as a historic district. Read more at "The Path Ahead", and look for a post with more details on the consultant selection soon. The consultant's work, followed by review by the State Historic Preservation Office and the decision by the National Park Service, will take about a year.


      © 2017 by Historic Laurelhurst


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