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    Overwhelming Neighborhood Support For Laurelhurst Historic District

    The LNA has published the results of our neighborhood's Declarations of support for or opposition to the Historic District effort.

    Update June 19, Results of Declaration of Support or Opposition

    Earlier this year, the LNA asked Laurelhurst residents and property owners to declare if they supported or opposed our neighborhood becoming a Historic District.

    Declaration forms were included in the May newsletter delivered to every address in the neighborhood, distributed at the May 30 LNA board election. Neighborhood groups ("Historic Laurelhurst" and "Laurelhurst Forward") also distributed declarations to residents in person.

    In total, 1,817 completed declarations were received by May 30, 2017 and counted. A majority of Laurelhurst households submitted declarations. If a person submitted multiple declarations, only the latest-dated declaration was counted. If a person owned multiple properties and noted that on the declaration, that person’s declaration was counted once per property. Declarations were counted from both property owners and residents (over 18 years of age) who do not own property. The count was performed by neighborhood volunteers under the supervision of Southeast Uplift.

    Total Declarations

    83.4% support

    13.2% oppose

    3.4% undecided


    82.5% support

    13.8% oppose

    3.7% undecided


    92.9% support

    7.1% oppose

    0.0% undecided

    A picture is worth a thousand words.

    In every quad of Laurelhurst, we supported the historic district overwhelmingly. Whether we are young families or empty nesters, new to the neighborhood or long-time residents, property owners or renters, in big houses or small houses, as a neighborhood we spoke with a clear voice.

    We are going to protect Laurelhurst's community and neighborhood.

    • Respect our neighborhood's history.

    • Houses are for families, not developers.

    • The most affordable house is one that already exists.

    • The greenest house is the one that already exists.

    • Historic districts allow density without demolition.

    The road to historic district is long and the work has just begun. The LNA needs to retain a consultant to prepare the nomination application. The neighborhood needs to volunteer to help with the work, and raise funds for the consultant. We need to communicate with our neighbors who still oppose or are undecided about the historic district, with respect. Our neighborhood will have to work with city bureaus and City Council, the State, and ultimately the National Park Service.

    Working together, as a neighborhood, we'll succeed.


      © 2017 by Historic Laurelhurst

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