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    What's With The Flyers?

    If you live in Laurelhurst, this week you may start seeing flyers about a possible Laurelhurst Historic District posted on community notice boards, left at public places, even placed in your mailbox or on your doorstep.

    These flyers have been written, printed, and hand delivered by some of your Laurelhurst neighbors, who care deeply about protecting our neighborhood. It is a grassroots effort. There are no moneyed commercial interests sponsoring the effort to seek Historic District designation for Laurelhurst, paying for these flyers, or sponsoring this website.

    If you didn't get a flyer, or want to print another copy, here they are:

    Those flyers, and this website, are not from the Laurelhurst Neighborhood Association (LNA). The LNA is "neutral" on whether our neighborhood should be protected, through a Historic District designation, from demolitions: century-old houses bulldozed, replaced by duplexes, triplexes, and apartment complexes.

    What do you think? What do you want the LNA to do? If you are a resident or homeowner in Laurelhurst, the LNA is supposed to listen to you. If enough of us support Historic District protection, the LNA is supposed to act for us.

    Here is how to make your views known to the LNA Board.

    Email the LNA board's general mailbox at

    Email the individual LNA board members. Their official LNA emails are at the Laurelhurst Neighborhood Association's website. You can also sign up for the LNA's electronic newsletter at that website.

    Attend the September 27 LNA public meeting (7 pm, All Saints Church) to see a presentation on Historic Districts and give your input to the LNA board.


      © 2017 by Historic Laurelhurst


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