Historic District Map Is Online
The city of Portland has added the Laurelhurst Historic District to its online map of historic resources. Blue lot indicate contributing,...

A National Register Historic District Stops Demolitions
One of the biggest concerns that Laurelhurst residents have is demolitions. There has been recently some misinformation spread about...

Why A Local Conservation District Won't Stop Demolitions
A glossy four-page flyer from a group opposing Historic District is being distributed in our neighborhood. That flyer says "No one wants...
A National Register Historic District Does NOT Come With "Federal Rules"
A quick post to clear up some mis-understandings . . . Some people think a "National Register Historic District" means the neighborhood...
Is A Historic District Necessary? How About Easements And CC&Rs?
Can Laurelhurst be protected through "easements" or CC&R-type "covenants"? In a word: no. This post will explain what easement and CC&Rs...
"State Relaxes Historic Hurdles", Says SE Examiner
The SE Examiner continues to cover residential infill and historic district news in more depth than any other Portland news organization....
The LNA's Historic District Committee Supports Historic District; The LNA Board Is Waiting For N
The Laurelhurst Neighborhood Association (LNA) Exploratory Historic District Committee recently completed its report on Historic District....

City Confirms: No Historic Review Of Projects In A New Historic District Until Neighborhood Guidelin
We previously wrote a "breaking news" article about changes to the state's Historic Protection rules. We said: "Historic resource review...
New Rules For Historic Districts: No Historic Review Of Projects Until Neighborhood-Specific Guideli
This is breaking news of an important change in Oregon's historic protection rules. On January 27, the Oregon Department of Land...

Historic District Doesn't Stop Remodeling!
A common argument made against Historic District is that the protections for historic homes could discourage homeowners from maintaining...