Who Are We?

We are your neighbors in Laurelhurst. We love our neighborhood, with its quiet streets, mature tree canopy, century-old houses in traditional Portland styles, small and large.
In 2016-2019, dozens of us, joined by the Laurelhurst Neighborhood Association, worked to list Laurelhurst as a National Register Historic District. That listing was the culmination of work that started back in 1990 and was kept alive by generations of neighbors.
Our mission is to appreciate and preserve Laurelhurst's historic architecture, streets, urban forest, and park; to advocate for preservation and against destruction; to work for "density without demolition"; and to keep Laurelhurst residents and other Portlanders abreast of relevant developments.
We are not part of the LNA. Our blog and emails aren't from the LNA. We often work with the LNA.
To email us, please use historiclaurelhurst@gmail.com. Thank you!
Email us at: historiclaurelhurst@gmail.com