Declare Your Support for
Laurelhurst Historic District
PETITION the State and City
We've come so far. Now our Historic District nomination is in the hands of the State of Oregon: the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and the State Advisory Committee on Historic Preservation (SACHP). SACHP has to approve our nomination at its October 19, 2018 meeting, and then SHPO has to forward our nomination to the National Park Service in March 2019.
We want to be treated fairly by these state bodies, and we may need our state legislators' help to make sure that happens. Laurelhurst is represented by State Senator Michael Dembrow and State Representative Alissa Keny-Guyer. Both Sen Dembrow and Rep Keny-Guyer care about Laurelhurst and know how important the Historic District is to Laurelhurst. It couldn't hurt to remind them.
Tell SHPO, SACP, Sen Dembrow and Rep Keny-Guyer, that you support Laurelhurst becoming a Historic District! Petition them to support our Historic District. Use the link below to send your email.
When you click the link, a new email will open in your own email application. The TO: addresses will be filled in. The BCC: will be to, but you can delete the bcc if you like.

When the email opens, you'll see all it says is "I live in Laurelhurst. My address is _______. I SUPPORT the Laurelhurst Historic District." That's all we "pre-wrote" because this email is from you, not from this website. Please add your own words to the message. Personalized emails work best.
Here are some things you might consider mentioning:
I want to protect this historic neighborhood from demolition and redevelopment. Please help us preserve Laurelhurst and Oregon's other historic places for future generations.
I support density without demolition! Historic districts allow accessory dwelling units, internally converting houses to duplexes, and adding more housing without tearing down historic houses.
One person, one vote. No-one should be allowed to use "trusts" to get more votes than their neighbors.
Protect Laurelhurst's historic homes, including the smaller ones that ordinary Portlanders can still buy, from developers of luxury McMansions.
Laurelhurst's urban forest is precious. Developers always cut down the trees. Protect our forest from redevelopment.
Please take your time and write what you feel. Your words, not ours, are the most important. Oh, please be polite too.