What Can Duplexes And Triplexes Look Like, Under RIP?
This is a picture post. These are all infill developments, mostly duplexes and triplexes, recently built in close-in East Portland, that can replace every historic Laurelhurst house under RIP.
These buildings make no effort to respect the scale or character of the neighborhoods where they are located. Most of them are car-centric, with large expanses of blocky gray concrete where Laurelhurst houses have plants, trees, and green. And many of them are very expensive.
Historic District will prevent this sort of incompatible development in Laurelhurst, because new construction will have to respect with the neighborhood's historic character.
These are on NE 28th near Crema Cafe. Note the disregard for compatibility.

On SE Division around SE 30th. Similar unconcern for fitting in with the surrounding houses.

Submitted without comment.

Our double lots could look like this.

These are on NE 17th.

On N. Gantebein. Each unit is selling for $750,000. Developers will make a lot of money building these in Laurelhurst.

Typical cookie-cutter developer infill duplex, soon to grace Laurelhurst? This one is in close-in NE Portland.

An infill triplex of the sort being built in close-in NE Portland. These could be on every corner lot in Laurelhurst.

Another "style" of infill triplex, under construction near the northwest corner of Laurelhurst. Potentially soon under construction on your block.

Under construction just a few blocks from Laurelhurst.

Concrete and more concrete.

This could be on your block.

Do you have photos of infill duplexes and triplexes that you'd rather not see in your neighborhood, on your block, right next to your house? Please send them to historiclaurelhurst@gmail.com.