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    Please mark your calendar for the Laurelhurst Neighborhood Association (LNA) board election.


    When:        Tuesday, May 30th from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.


    Where:       All Saints Church – 3823 NE Glisan St (enter on Laddington)


    Why:          The next LNA board will likely determine the future of Historic Designation for Laurelhurst


    Historic Laurelhurst is supporting a strong, dedicated slate of candidates for the LNA board. Each is committed to protect our historic neighborhood as well as addressing homeless camping and other challenges our neighborhood is facing.


    The group opposing a historic designation is running a slate of candidates that will work to block historic designation efforts. 


    Historic Laurelhurst is supporting the following candidates:


    President:      Scott Pratt  (former LNA president in 1990s; read his Open Letter to the neighborhood here.)

    V-P:               Jeff Martin   

    Treasurer:      Mike Dubinsky (incumbent)

    Secretary:     Jim Edelson (incumbent)

    SEUL Rep:    Carol Hanna

    NE Quad:      Rick Briasco (incumbent)

    NW Quad:     Barry Kast

    SE Quad:      Becca Smith-Morgan (incumbent) 

    SW Quad:     Chrissi Antonopoulos

    At Large:       Tom Johnson  


    Their biographies including experience and reasons for running may be found on the LNA website here


    What is the voting process?  Voting will be streamlined compared to past years.  LNA has printed ballots and voting will occur throughout the meeting May 30th.  Just come, get your ballot & vote – and then leave if you want. Bring your kids and let them see Democracy in action! 


    Voting will occur from 7:00pm-8:30pm.


    Thanks for your support and we look forward to seeing you at the May 30th LNA meeting.


    Finally, a few thoughts from Scott Pratt on why this election is so important.


    Your neighbors and friends at Historic Laurelhurst



















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